Sunday, July 15, 2018

Purple Finch

Initially, I was not happy with this but became quite fond of it after it dried.  The breast of the finch in the reference photo* was much lighter and mostly white.  And while the bird was still wet, it really looked just too dark.  I thought I messed it up.

When it dried, however, the colors lightened up (as watercolor does).  The addition of few strokes of a white gel pen (plus some splashes of blue paint for good measure) helped the contrast and made for quite a striking composition.  I think I like it.

                         Watercolor over pen & ink 7x10 on 140 lbs paper

Same picture in pen and ink before the watercolors were applied.

*Photo reference: Birds & Blooms March 2018 (pg 28; Joe Stambaugh)


  1. I don't know if I say this all the time, but this is DEFinitely one of my favorites. I love birds and have a pinterest board dedicated to them.

  2. Thanks. I am finding that birds are ideal and the perfect fun for watercolors. Probably why so many artists paint them.
